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Solid Waste Management
City of Houston, Texas. Addressing the topics of organic materials management and illegal dumping in the City of Houston Long-range Solid Waste Management Plan encompassing the years 2018 through 2039.
City of Fort Worth, Texas. Addressed disaster debris, construction and demolition waste, yard and food waste, bio-solids, source reduction, reuse, and recycling as a contributor to the City’s Comprehensive Solid Waste Master Plan. Identified and evaluated temporary disaster debris management sites. Assisted to develop a Disaster Debris Management Plan. Developed site layouts and site development cost estimates for eight temporary disaster debris management sites including infrastructure and facilities for management of brush/trees, white goods, household hazardous wastes, public drop-off and other related activities.
City of Dallas, Texas. Addressed organic waste management and resource recovery options for the “City of Dallas Local Solid Waste Management Plan – 2011-2060.” Identified options with advantages and disadvantages. Developed a conceptual facility layout for the first-phase recommendation with estimates of capacity, staffing, equipment, revenue and costs when operating at full capacity. Participated in public meetings to gather public input and present results.
Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation, Pittsburg, Texas. Review of facilities and operations at a 1.5 million-chicken egg laying operation. Analysis of compliance with all environmental and Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) regulations, in support of legal proceedings associated with odor control.
Construction Recycling and Waste Corporation – McKinney, Texas. Five-county market analysis for C&D waste including generation rates, flow control, and wasteshed definition. Financial analysis of potential transfer station and hauling company acquisition. Recycling plan and analysis of effects on landfill market. Analysis of governmental restrictions and incentives affecting landfill markets. Landfill asset valuation. Project planning and implementation of plans to design, build, and operate a landfill and MRF.
City of Dallas, Texas. Solid Waste Management Benchmarking Study addressing level of service, cost, and fee structures for several cities across the United States.
Waste Conversion Industries – Euless, Texas. Obtaining determination of conformance of a materials recovery facility/transfer station with the North Central Texas council Of Governments regional solid waste plan.
Weatherford, Texas. Project Manager for evaluation and recommendations associated with procurement documents for residential and commercial solid waste collection, recycling, and landfilling, including landfill asset valuation.
Plano, Texas. Bid-to goal document including 5-year business plan for solid waste management system with an annual budget in excess of $10 million.
Grand Prairie, Texas. Twenty-year solid waste master plan for the City of Grand Prairie, Texas in conformance with Subchapter O of the TNRCC Municipal Solid Waste Regulations.
Stephenville, Texas. Evaluation of solid waste management options, including collection options and implementation of a transfer station (recommended).
City Public Service of San Antonio. Reviewed waste characterization and recycled materials market analysis. Assistance to Citizens' Advisory Committee during solid waste planning and implementation. Public information and involvement.
Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission and the South Plains Association of Governments. Regional solid waste management plans (Subchapter O) using a Citizens Advisory Committee.
Cities of Corpus Christi and Houston, Texas. Comprehensive solid waste management system analyses and development of long-range solid waste master plans, both working with Citizens Advisory Committees.
Bryan and College Station, Texas. Economic feasibility study of joint solid waste disposal options. This study resulted in the formation of the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency, an inter-local agreement between the Cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas.
Carrollton, Texas. Twenty-year solid waste management plan for the City of Carrollton, Texas in conformance with Subchapter O of the TNRCC Municipal Solid Waste Regulations. Solid waste facilities relocation study for administration, commercial and residential collection, fleet maintenance, composting, recyclables drop-off, citizens’ convenience station, and cart and bin storage and maintenance.
Denton, Texas. Preliminary master plan for a municipal solid waste management system including collection, waste reduction, composting, materials recovery, energy recovery (RDF) and landfilling.
Arlington, Texas. Landfill options analysis including expansion scenarios and regional disposal opportunities as part of a long-term solid waste management plan. Analysis of alternatives for State Implementation Plan (Ozone) and their effects on the solid waste management system.
North Central Texas Council of Governments, Arlington, Texas. Comprehensive assessment of current and projected (30-year) municipal solid waste treatment and disposal capacity for a 16-county region.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Oahu, Hawaii. Site selection, feasibility study, and preliminary design for solid waste management program and disposal facility for hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste.
Solid Waste Management: CV
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