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  • Laredo, Texas.  Municipal Solid Waste Type I Permit major amendment document quality control review.  Landfill cell construction plans and specifications quality control review.

  • Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency.  Construction plans, specifications, bid administration, and construction quality assurance for three Subtitle D landfill cells.  Borrow area operational phasing and recreational end-use design for landfill and borrow area.  Site evaluation for operational review and recommendations to increase efficiency and reduce cost at current landfill.  Closure design for pre-Subtitle D sideslope.  Design and construction of sidewall liner repair/replacement.  Engineering site evaluation, preliminary design, and assistance with contract negotiation related to siting a new facility. Chief engineer for permit-level design and permit application for a new landfill including support facilities for all solid waste-related operations. Feasibility analysis and regulatory liaison for wet-cell, or bioreactor, operations.  Investigation of TCEQ Environmental Management System (EMS) opportunities. 

  • Construction Recycling and Waste Corporation, McKinney, Texas.  Engineering review of landfill permits for compliance with current regulations, operational efficiency, and constructability.  Preparation of project plans to bring the project through limited additional permitting, design, construction, and operation.  Client briefings including interface with Board of Directors.  Support of on-going negotiations with various strategic partners, including analysis of operational, environmental, financial, and political aspects of partnerships.

  • Bonham, Texas.  Project Manager for evaluation and remediation of closed landfill including leachate containment, removal, and disposal, as well as final cover and vegetation repairs.  Regulatory liaison associated with enforcement orders and compliance schedules. 

  • Carrollton Landfill Closure.  Evaluation of an inactive landfill for fulfillment of closure requirements.  Preparation of a fast-track action plan, design, bid administration, and full-time construction services related to final capping, erosion control, and other site improvements.  Relocation of solid waste features from the closed landfill, and permitting of recreational facilities on the closed landfill. Periodic inspection of closed landfill for regulatory compliance.  In post-closure, field investigation of damaged final cover, plans and specifications for construction of final cover repair, and construction monitoring.  Coordination and reporting to TCEQ.  Subchapter-T authorizations for subsurface investigation, soccer complex and other Public Works activities on the closed landfill.

  • Carrollton McInnish Park Expansion.  Project Manager for design of extensive park and recreational facilities on closed landfill cells and adjacent park property.

  • Corsicana, Texas.  Assessed landfill design and operation and prepared revised site development plan to increase environmental protection and operational efficiency.  Feasibility assessment of expansion and new site development in light of new federal landfill regulations.  Multi-phased closure plans for completed landfill. 

  • Grand Prairie, Texas.  Sanitary landfill design which includes levee, slurry wall, and state permit application; bid administration; assistance during site development and construction; and closure plan including field verification of cover.

  • Waste Management, Inc.  Developed an early action plan and remedial action plan for a Massachusetts landfill.  Developed extensive site improvement recommendations to minimize leachate generation and control leachate, including collection, treatment and disposal of leachate, surface water management, groundwater management, and exhumation and reburial of a portion of the in-place waste.  Development and on-site implementation of a special waste identification and handling program. Coordinated with state and local regulators and independent certification of site work for state regulators.

  • Waste Management, Inc.  Landfill remediation investigation and vertical expansion feasibility and preliminary design in Texas.

  • Chambers Development.  Approximately 600-acre expansion of an existing landfill in South Carolina, including remedial action recommendations, feasibility study for various natural and synthetic liners and groundwater control systems, and preliminary design and permitting.  Prepared a site development plan, including extensive dewatering and overall landfill optimization plan. 

  • Montgomery County, Maryland.  Preliminary balefill design, mining plan, operation and maintenance plan, cost estimate, risk assessment, and permit application for a balefill in a 300-foot deep operating rock quarry below the regional groundwater table.  Developed method of continuous dewatering and leachate treatment during operation and after site closure.

  • Waste Management, Inc.  Design and permit modifications for a landfill for site closure prior to attaining final design contours. 

  • Denton, Texas.  Sanitary landfill site evaluation and landfill design including flood control levee and slurry wall, and state permit applications.  Assistance during site development and construction, and initial operating phase.  Design and operational modifications to upgrade landfill to subtitle D standards.  Site assessment, permitting, expert testimony at hearing, construction services and testing for major expansion of original facility.  Expansion includes extensive dewatering system. Financial Assurance documentation for closure and post-closure costs. Feasibility analysis and regulatory liaison for conversion to wet cell, or bioreactor, operations. In 2020, provide facility access plan for increased throughput, optimized scale operations and safety.

  • Texas City, Texas.  Evaluated a municipal landfill for regulatory compliance under Subtitle D of RCRA and new state requirements.  Determined the feasibility of continued operation of all or part of the facility.  Prepared a closure plan addressing cover requirements and appropriate transitions between lined and unlined areas, and addressing modified drainage requirements due to early closure.  Conducted post-closure inspection and identified site improvements to facilitate conclusion of post-closure site maintenance requirements. 

  • Laidlaw Waste Systems.  Demonstration of compliance with location restrictions under Subtitle D of RCRA (airports, flood plains, wetlands, faulting, seismic activity, and unstable areas) for three landfills in Texas and one landfill in Oklahoma.

  • Fort Smith, Arkansas.  Third party review and modification of site master plan, construction plans and specifications, and concept of operation for a 20-acre landfill cell.  Design modification of an on-site stormwater treatment system.  Recommended modifications reduced construction and operating costs, increased site utilization, and improved operational effectiveness and environmental compliance.

  • Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Regulatory, operational, and design audit of three private landfills to predict operating cost and design life under various scenarios.

  • Lubbock, Texas.  Economic and technical feasibility assessment and recommendations regarding continued operation of the current landfill, expansion, and new site permitting in light of new federal regulations.  Design and permitting of a new regional landfill.

  • Waste Management, Inc.  Design and permitting of a 200-acre expansion of an existing landfill in Texas, including testimony at public hearing.

  • Mesquite, Texas.  Modifications to a sanitary landfill final contours and permit document.

  • Various Landfills.  Wrote site operating plans, site development plans, landfill gas management plans, and leachate management plans for various landfills including Arlington, WMI-Skyline, Midland, Garland, Amarillo, Mesquite, BVSWMA Rock Prairie Road expansion, and others.

Landfill: CV
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